Do you strive for more German tourists at your tourism company respectively your destination? Attract them now... together with me and my suitcase full of services, cut to your particular needs, the advantage will be on your side!
Analysis: You need to know more about the German market? For instance, you want to know about existing competitors or how your offer is received by German tourists? I will prepare a relevant analysis for you.
Strategy / Conception: “Only he who knows his destination finds the way.“ (Laozi) Let’s set off together! I will support you defining your goal for the German market and develop a target-oriented strategy for your marketing and communication.
Communication: Online, offline, cross media? I will implement your communication strategy for you, e.g. with social media, search engine marketing, outdoor advertising, print-media advertising, public relations, preparation and participation of fairs, organization of events and much more.
Controlling: Steering and optimizing is possible only for what you can measure. Therefore the controlling of each single measure as well as the achievement of your strategic objective is my concern.
Brand building: Prior to your successful tourism marketing, your brand needs to be developed. Leave an enduring mark with your target group… thanks to a distinctive identity made by GERMAN TOURIST MARKETING.
... a typical GERMAN. I was born in Germany where I spent almost my entire professional life. I know the Germans and Germany as a market.
... a TOURIST fond of travelling. I turned my passion for travelling into my profession by graduationg as an MBA with focus on hospitality and tourism management.
... a MARKETING expert. I graduated in advertising and market communication and already gained about 12 years of experience in general marketing and tourism marketing.