Ben Osland ( bkosland80 )

Social media is also a great way to pose questions and take polls – an invaluable tool when it comes to conducting research for projects and school assignments. Social media has the ability to reach a far greater range of people, meaning that the results the children will have to analyse will be of a far greater scope. This will enable them to form better analyses and therefore reach more detailed and informative conclusions – enhancing their understanding and knowledge.

One of the main strengths of social media is its interactive and inclusive nature. Used effectively it could allow teachers to lead online discussions, pose questions or help with homework issues. It could also allow students to collaborate and crowdsource solutions to their own learning problems, teaching them skills involved with independent learning, research skills and problem solving.

Finally, it opens up the opportunity for children to discover more on subjects that interest them and interact with genuine experts within a field, taking learning to a higher level. Services such as Twitter can provide direct access to pay for an essay on leading thinkers and up to the minute resources.

The problems which surround the use of social media within teaching are over the monitoring of the system. Allowing students access to such sites could allow them to research other areas and expose them to potential online threats. If the use of it was to be adopted within schools it would need to be monitored closely under strict regulations in order to ensure the ultimate safety and protection of the students.

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